Friday, June 26, 2020

It's Another Coup

Just like in a “banana republic,” we’ve had at least three attempted coups in this country, all disguised as legal events. Two failed, and the most recent will fail, too. They are disguised as “legal actions” and a “dog and pony show” was had to make it look good. I don’t know if the first one had any basis in fact, but the second one definitely did. Bill Clinton demonstrably LIED to Congress. He was fined many bucks and lost his law license for five years—which didn’t mean anything to him because he hasn’t practiced law for years and doesn’t plan on it in the future. If I kept making the kind of money they pay former presidents, I wouldn’t worry about trying to make any, myself. Besides: he’s got those millions gullible Dumbocrats sent his phony “foundation” until they figured out neither he, nor his wife, could ever do anything for them and the money stopped coming in. Nancy Peelosi has promised many more impeachment attempts and the only way to stop her is to send her back to San Francisco with her tail between her legs, along with the rest of the stupid Dumbocrat House members so they cannot do it again and again with YOUR money. (Just common sense)

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