Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Making Anti-Gun Bigots Angry

It’s easy to do. Just try and argue LOGICALLY against their pet ideas like putting locks on guns in locked gun safes in the house so when an ILLEGALLY-armed criminal comes calling you’ll never be able to get your gun into action quickly enough to keep him from shooting you with his ILLEGAL gun. Of course, his gun is not subject to such STUPID laws because he doesn’t OBEY laws. Of course, that makes your gun USELESS, which is their goal, anyway. Or their propensity for “registering” all guns so the government will know where they are, and who owns them when they get ready to come calling and confiscate (steal) them. They get angry because they know they can’t ANSWER your logic. So they just walk away in a huff after calling you nasty, vile names. Names that would have gotten them shot 100 years ago (which was a GOOD thing). Fools like that ALWAYS get angry when people attempt to confront them with logic. (Just common sense)

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