Monday, July 30, 2018

"Thank God for Murder!"

That’s what they’re saying in New York City in the LGBTQ(XYZ) parade. Actually, the signs read, “Thank God for Abortion!” I never thought I’d see a parade float celebrating the MURDER of unborn, defenseless BABIES! But that’s exactly what this is. Liberals accused returning soldiers from Viet Nam of being “baby killers,” when they were NOT. Now they ARE the “baby killers,” and unashamedly so. They’re even CELEBRATING the MURDER of millions of babies! One participant (whose name I will not mention) even had her own float, to celebrate the number of defenseless babies she has MURDERED. This is the kind of thing Germany suffered from during WWII, but that was under Nazi rule. To disagree with the Nazis was to die, themselves, so they HAD TO go along with their holocaust, or DIE. They had no choice. Americans have a choice, and it seems they are choosing MURDER over sensible solutions, such as adoption of the result of unprotected sex. They’d rather MURDER their offspring, rather than use a rubber, or other birth control. They use MURDER as birth control. I don’t like to believe we’ve descended to this level, but we have, and I can’t change the urge to MURDER, instead of using birth control. But it’s not for me. If God sent a big flood to punish sin before, we’d better all invest in snorkel gear. (Mommy Underground)

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