Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Why Is Islam Being Taught In School?

In all too many places, it is being required for Islam to be taught as an “equal” to Christianity. And this is being FORCED on our youngsters, who are too young to know any better. It is creating way too many “radicalized Islamists” among our children, some of whom declare their solidarity with Islamic terrorists and wish to go to be trained in how to kill innocents here and overseas, then return to do so. The government doesn’t allow CHRISTIANITY to be taught in our schools, but MANDATE that ISLAM be taught there. They SAY it’s to promote TOLERANCE. But the “religion” it promotes in the most INTOLERANT on Earth. Why? Who is responsible? Who is the most powerful man in this country who was BORN to a Muslim, arguably in a Muslim country, who has a Muslim middle name, who was RAISED in a Muslim society BY Muslims. Who has said publicly, “Nothing is more beautiful that the Muslim call to prayer.”

Who is most able to influence what is taught in our schools and MANDATED to be taught in our churches on pain of loss of tax-free status? I don’t think this man puts his butt in the air and prays five times a day. Muslim teachings say it is okay to LIE to promote Islam. He can’t afford to pray in a Muslim manner and maintain his position. But I’d bet he does his praying in private. For those who haven’t “tumbled” to the answer, his name is Barack Hussein Obama and he is currently the President of the United States of America, Everything he has done destroys some part of America, and he has pledged to do even more; like “bankrupting the coal industry” with nothing viable to replace it. (Now The End Begins)

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