Thursday, November 20, 2014

How Muslims Think

A pair of Palestinian singers have released a song that encourages Palestinians to kill innocent Jewish infants. This is truly an inhuman thing to do. But Palestinians are too stupid to realize that. They think that, just because they are opposed to the Jews, they ought to kill infants, and they have a right to do so. What monumental stupidity! This is how many Muslims think. Because we don’t believe the exact same way (in all details) they do, that they have the right and DUTY to kill us. Which is the reason I say we should BAN all Muslims from this country. Too many of them want to kill us for not being their kind of Muslim. And to hell with that “religious tolerance” crap they preach. They’re the most religiously intolerant people there are. And they’re NOT a religion. They’re a political organization started, and designed to cover up Mohammed’s penchant for screwing little girls, PRETENDING to be a religion. (The Blaze)

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