Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Elections Rigged for Democrats

Democrats claim it was just a “glitch” in the computer, but when many different computers, in different places, are rigged to change Republican votes into Democrat votes, their protestations wear very thin. It just isn’t POSSIBLE for that many computers to have the SAME “glitch.” with the phony votes being for the Democrats. It is PLAINLY the Democrat poll workers “glitching” the computers to make Democrat votes out of Republican votes. It’s as plain as the nose on your face. This is just ONE of the ways Democrats steal votes. Ballot box stuffing is another. I watched a video the other day where a man brazenly walked into a polling place and openly stuffed the ballot box, telling a poll worker to “go fu-k yourself when he asked him about it. Nobody called the cops, and nobody made any attempt to stop him. There is NO security at these polling places. This guy should be known, and easily found. But I doubt if he will be, and I’d bet that ALL the phony votes he stuffed the box with were duly counted. (Tea Party Politics)

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