Monday, November 17, 2014

Armored Vehicles In Farmland

The feds are giving armored vehicles to police agencies in Colorado (and other) farmland. What need have they in FARMLAND for armored vehicles and other army-style equipment they can get just for paying the shipping? And sometimes not even that? They are increasingly making an ARMY out of the local cops. Posse Comitatus prevents them from using the army on American citizens, so they’re quickly arming and training local cops in military tactics so they can use THEM against us without breaking that law. This is happening, right before our eyes, and they use the excuse that they need to keep up with the crooks in their armament. Bull crap! The crooks don’t have TANKS and other armored vehicles with .50 mm machine guns mounted. At the same time, they’re working HARD to DISARM as many responsible Americans as possible. If you can’t see through their tactics, you’d better get rid of your “rose-colored glasses.” (Just common sense)

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