Tuesday, November 25, 2014

U. S. More Dangerous Than ISIS?

That’s what some Harvard students seem to think. What kind of sh-t are they smoking? They haven’t been on this Earth long enough to know anything. US more dangerous that ISIS? Maybe to Islamic terrorists, anyway. This is what we get when we appoint FOOLS as their professors. As long as we allow dedicated terrorists (and Obama personal friend, no matter how much he denies it) like Bill Ayers (who bombed the Pentagon) to poison their minds, we will get fools like this as college graduates. What kinds of FOOLS are there hiring professors in colleges, anyway? Maybe we should limit the partying these students can do and increase their study time. Maybe that way they’d become more responsible and knowledgeable, and they’d find out what it’s like in the REAL world. This country will last only so long as we get rid of professors like Bill Ayers in our colleges—and they are numerous, because college “authorities” seem to be getting more and more stupid in their hiring practices as their tuitions rise. (Conservatives United)

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