Thursday, November 20, 2014

No More Lame Ducks

What is the reason we allow “lame ducks” (politicians who have lost their bids for re-election or those who can’t be re-elected) from doing things IN REVENGE that can do some permanent damage? A good example of this is Colorado Governor Hickenlooper, who threatened to commute the death sentence of a convicted mass child killer if he wasn’t re-elected. Another example is Barack Obama, who didn’t even threaten. He is simply issuing an (illegal) executive order to “naturalize” millions of ILLEGAL ALIENS and then he will use taxpayer money to send airplanes to Mexico and other South American nations to bring their CHILDREN here. A law should be made to strip ALL “lame duck politicians” of their power to do ANYTHING (immediately after election results come in) during their lame duck period except pack their bags and make travel plans (at their own expense) back home without being able to “get revenge” on the voters. What Obama is doing is patently breaking the law, and under current law there isn’t a helluva lot we can do about it, while he is still in charge (and probably not after he leaves office, either), if nobody does anything about it. We should have the power to prosecute and imprison any politician, regardless of his status, AUTOMATICALLY if he does this. With no need for other politicians to initiate action against him,. This action should be MANDATORY. If we could just get such legislation past other politicians who will be facing “lame duck” status him/herself. (Just common sense)

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