Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Orders: "Teach Other Faiths"

That’s what they’re doing in England. They’re even threatening to CLOSE one Christian school if they don’t “teach other faiths.” And why SHOULD they? And under what law do they order them to do so? They’re in business to promote THEIR faith, not someone else’s. I might be more in favor of this if they told Muslim schools to do the same, and Muslims complied—which they would NOT, since their basic faith is “mono-theistic.” That means they recognize only ONE faith—theirs. And will tolerate none other. They will not do ANYTHING to promote the faiths of “non-believers.” They are the most religiously intolerant “religion” in the world. Their very BIBLE, the Koran, instructs “believers” to “convert or KILL” those who are not Muslims. What the hell makes politicians DO such things as this? Don’t they know they’ll be the FIRST to die if Muslims ever gain control? Are they STUPID, or what? Muslims keep saying, “Islam will dominate the world,” and they may be right, if stupid people like these politicians keep giving it away to them. (World Net Daily)

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