Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Obamacare A Crock!

And they know it. And that frightens them. Yesterday, Jonathan Gruber, professor at MIT, and one of its architects, ADMITTED as much in a speech. He said that it was purposely written in a “murky” way so nobody could really understand it, and that they depended on the STUPIDITY of the American voter to get it passed. I disagree. It’s not stupidity, which is not curable. It is IGNORANCE, which is, by an infusion of knowledge. Stupidity is KNOWING it’s nonsense and insisting on it, anyway. Nancy Peelosi as much as told us it was nonsense with her famous (or infamous) crack about “passing it to find out what’s in it.” It’s out in the open now. They can no longer deny it; one of its ARCHITECTS admitted it was a crock, and the liberal media refuses to cover it. But they won’t be able to contain it because there is now another avenue to let the people know they’ve been conned; the “alternative media,” of which I’m a proud member. Now the Supreme Court has agreed to look at it, again, which, in itself, is a “kiss of death.” Even if they don’t FIND it unconstitutional in this “second go-around,” just the fact that they want a second look will hang a “stone” around its neck. (WNGO)

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