Friday, November 14, 2014

They Used to Love Him

John Casey was so respected and admired that they asked him to investigate how the “Challenger” explosion happened. But after he retired, and found proof that global warming (under whatever name AlGore uses for it, to confuse us) was a $22 billion dollar a year SWINDLE to which even the President of the United States was a scammer, they now paint him as a fool and a conspiracy theorist. Using the government’s own data, he proved that global warming was a swindle that has made a lot of people a lot of money, including AlGore himself, and even Barack Obama. In addition, Obama has used this swindle to allow himself to make laws and regulations that have cost taxpayers $billions. This despite the fact that the globe has NOT been warming for more than 17 years! It’s a COMPLETE SCAM! Based on a LIE. But they still promote it, as if it were real. Reality is this: the world is 1.08 degrees COLDER than it was in 1998! You should read the linked article completely and donate $5 to the Cold Truth Initiative to get a free copy of John’s book, which contains ALL the information he has sent to the government, and which has been IGNORED, while they attack and belittle him. I should also add that I get NO compensation on sales of this item. I’m gonna buy it, and you should, too. (News Max)

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