Sunday, November 23, 2014

Praised for LOSING $5 Billion

U. S. Postal Service Board of Governors announced the retirement of Postmaster General and CEO Patrick Donahue the same day they announced the LOSS of $5.5 BILLION dollars during his tenure. That’s how it is in DC. LOSING $5.5 BILLION is cause for high praise upon retirement. Maybe they’re so happy to get rid of him, they’re giddy. They called him a “visionary who worked tirelessly to move the organization through one of its most difficult periods.” What a bunch of CRAP that is! But such stupidity is to be expected in DC, where FAILURE is a resume enhancement. “He ignored the naysayers and went forward with his team and built a comprehensive plan for the future of the organization, made tough decisions, and executed against those decisions,” And STILL lost $5.5 BILLION dollars. Wow! They blamed their loss on “legislative burdens and constraints.” In other words, “they didn’t give us enough money and told us what to do.” The basic problem is simple: “The U.S. Government Accountability Office, GAO, has concluded the Postal Service’s business model doesn’t work.” It’s as simple as that. But did Donahue make any attempt to change it? Not a chance. And he is praised for “being a visionary.” Typical DC. (World Net Daily)

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