Friday, November 21, 2014

"Cooperative Congress"

Obama talks incessantly about “cooperation” between Democrats and Republicans in government. But the whole idea of that cooperation is a “flight of fancy,” if there are any INTELLIGENT Republicans in DC. The gulf between the parties is too great for there EVER to be any “cooperation” between them. Democrats clearly stand for SOCIALISM (collectivism), while Republicans do not. There is NO ROOM for bipartisanship or any kind of cooperation between those two positions. The Republicans are rightly against EVERYTHING Democrats stand for, and to “cooperate” with them, on ANYTHING, would be to violate their BASIC principles. Democrats should rename themselves as the SOCIALIST Party. When Obama talks about “cooperation,” he means Republicans moving toward HIS position, and agreeing with HIM. He NEVER moves an INCH toward the Republican position. What he wants is SURRENDER, not “cooperation.” (Just common sense)

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