Sunday, November 23, 2014

Playing the "Race Card"

As usual. I wondered how long it would take for Gruber to get around to the “basic fall-back position” for Democrats (liberals). ANY time you disagree with them, you’re a racist. They hope that will “stop the argument in its tracks.” But it won’t work, any more. They’ve been using that tired, old, threadbare tactic for so long, nobody cares any more if they call them a racist. Gruber says we’re STUPID for voting FOR Obamcare. He forgets that ONLY DEMOCRATS voted for it. Just about everybody else rejected it, and with good reason. Obama promised rates and co-pays would go down, and they’ve gone UP, significantly. If you buy their “pig-in-a-poke,” you’ll pay thousands more, and their deductibles will be in the thousands, too. Which makes their “insurance” USELESS. It’s worse than NO insurance, in that it costs a bundle to buy, and you STILL have to pay for your medical care. The only “stupid people” are DEMOCRATS. Not a SINGLE Republican voted for it. Moreover, they ridiculed Sarah Palin for saying there would be “death panels” who decided what the government would pay for, thus banning paying for what they didn’t like. But there ARE “death panels” working NOW to decide what they would NOT pay for, thus condemning certain people to DEATH. (Just common sense)

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