Wednesday, November 26, 2014

"No Charges: Oh, Woe!"

NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams “laments” the fact that the Grand Jury in Ferguson did not bring up a “True Bill” against officer Darren Wilson for killing that giant thug who was in the process of trying to kill him at the time. Williams ignored completely the facts of the case, as liberal newspeople usually do, in pursuit of their agenda. He emphasized that Brown was “unarmed,” ignoring the fact that Brown was so big, he WAS a weapon who had already hit Wilson TWICE in the face, while trying to get his gun away from him, in order to shoot him with it. He said the panel had “failed” in their duty, but, in fact, they did NOT. They DID their duty in the face of tremendous pressure from the criminal element. There was NO EVIDENCE of wrongdoing on the part of Williams, and much on the part of Brown, from the beginning, including his “strong-arming” that store clerk who objected to him stealing a box of cigars (which was caught on tape). He completely IGNORED the fact that “eyewitnesses” who said Williams killed Brown for no reason were LYING and contradicted the physical evidence. Most were thugs like Brown, who just wanted to punish a cop. (Media Research Center)

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