Saturday, November 22, 2014

Media Ignores Blacks Killing White Girl

A black gang in Milwaukee shot and killed a 5-year-old WHITE girl with their ILLEGLLY-owned guns and the national media ignores it, as they are wont to do if it doesn’t advance their agenda—which is to DISARM all Americans. It was left up to the “alternative media” to properly cover this travesty. The local media said she was killed by a “stray bullet,” even though it is known that the gang TARGETED this home. “Milwaukee police say there is no question the shooters were deliberately trying to kill people inside the house. At least a dozen bullets were fired directly into the house.” Saying she was hit by a “stray bullet” directly DENIES evidence found by cops at the scene that shows the gang was intent on KILLING people in that house. The local media tried to play this shooting down and deny it was “race-related,” although WHY was a black gang shooting up the ONLY white-owned house in an almost all-black neighborhood? (Conservative News)

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