Monday, November 4, 2019

You Can't "Provoke" ANTIFA

They are the epitome of provocation. They are a violent bunch, dedicated to provoking all conservatives and other non-liberals. They are today’s Ku Klux Klan (KKK), created and financed by the Dumocrats, just as the KKK was before. The KKK was to be the “underground” violent arm of the Dumocrat Party, against minorities that “got uppity.” The KKK murdered many blacks, and included among its members, some of the highest-placed politicians (Dumocrats all). ANTIFA likewise, is dedicated to violent oppression of anybody who isn’t a liberal (Dumocrat). The only difference is they do not prey on minorities. They prey on non-liberals. Liberals like to attack anybody whose politics they don’t like. They don’t even have to be a member of ANTIFA to slap a red “MAGA” hat off somebody’s head, while making eating in a restaurant uncomfortable, if not dangerous. On disturbing Trump supporters as they dine, one liberal was heard to say, “Maybe they should dine at home.” Why is that? Because you don’t agree with their politics? What gives liberals the right to tell somebody with whom they disagree they can’t eat in a restaurant without being subjected to violence? Their recent attack on a “conservative photographer” is an example. Now they’re saying he “provoked” ANTIFA. How stupid. You don’t “provoke” a violent organization dedicated to violence. You don’t have to. They are THERE to “be provoked.” Those they attack need to respond with violence. Maybe ANTIFA will learn a lesson that way. But no! They’ll just accuse them of violence against ANTIFA, forgetting the ANTIFA violence that started it. But the liberal media will cooperate in that, and nobody will know it. (Legal Insurrection)

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