Wednesday, November 20, 2019

"Costs $40 TRILLION Bucks!"

“Crazy Bernie Sanders” has finally admitted that his Medicare for All” program will cost American taxpayers $40 TRILION DOLLARS. What he doesn’t tell you is that only those willing and able to WORK for a living will be paying into that $40 Trillion bucks—not those who “don’t wish to work,” the “moochers” of society. It’s pure socialism, that system that DEPENDS on being able to STEAL the “fruits of the production of new wealth” from those producers for the benefit of the moochers. Which means that those paying for his program will be paying for everybody, including those who “would rather not work.” What the hall gives those moochers the right to steal money from the producers, I don’t know. But stupid politicians depend on the ignorance and laziness of such people to support their “giveaway programs” using other people’s money. Socialist politicians like Bernie are good at giving away other people’s money, not their own. Bernie has gotten “filthy rich” selling socialism to fools. (Legal Insurrection)

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