Monday, November 11, 2019

Everything Is Racist!

At least, for Dumocrats, that is. AOC is one of the worst at this. Every time somebody rightly criticizes her for being stupid, she cries racism. Which means actually that she has no other answer, so she just calls them names. And racist is one of the favorite insults from Dumocrats. Sexism is another. AOC now accuses Nancy Peelosi of racism for criticizing her, while other Dumocrats call AIR CONDITIONING sexist. They really think we’ll buy their racism and sexism accusations when in actuality, their continued use of the epithet cheapens it, and makes it a useless insult. But they’re not smart enough to figure that out for themselves. What a racism or sexism accusation means is that, since they can’t answer an argument with facts, they just start calling people names instead of trying. Other Dumocrats buy their bullsh-t. They’re not too smart, either. They actually think we will make decisions about people based on their silly accusations. It’s easy to debate any Dumocrat because of this. It only takes about 30 seconds for them to descend into name-calling when they have no facts to answer our arguments. Where AOC gets that “racism” charge is a mystery. Stupid is not a race. (Story Warrant)

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