Friday, November 15, 2019

"IT Never Happens!"

But it does. All the time. Anti-gun fools confidently tell you that a “good guy with a gun” cannot do anything about a “bad guy with a gun.” That the whole idea of arming the law -abiding for self defense is absurd. That to do so would “create a wild west atmosphere” where people would be getting shot over a fender bender or something else just as unimportant. Of course, they ignore the fact that people ARE being shot over fender benders by people who got their guns on the black market, and never stood for a background check, in spite of all their well-meaning laws trying to take guns out of the hands of the bad guys. Their fatal flaw in their thinking is that ALL the anti-gun laws ONLY keep guns out of the hands of honest people, leaving the way open for those who don’t obey laws to victimize them.

That makes the law-abiding “easy targets” for the bad guys because they have nothing with which to defend themselves. “Gun-free zones,” for instance. This is one of the most USELESS ideas the anti-gun fools have ever come up with. All they do is create a “free fire zone” where the lawbreakers can bring their guns to do their dirty work without worrying about any of the law-abiding people there being armed. They SEEK OUT such areas in which to commit their crimes. Only the brain dead believe they can help stop “gun violence.” In Kentucky, a good Samaritan used a legally-owned gun to stop a mass murder at a Kroger store. Just one more instance. But that must be our imagination, since it never happens, right? You won’t read much about this in the liberal media because they won’t cover it. It doesn’t advance their anti-gun narrative. (Gun Watch)

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