Friday, November 22, 2019

Don't Rob A Quick Trip

QuickTrip Stores in Wichita, Kansas have realized that a “good guy with a gun” is not a danger, but a solution. They have instituted an “armed employee” policy, and it has resulted in fewer of their Wichita stores being robbed. It has been so successful they are now expanding it to their other stores, elsewhere. That’s not really to be unexpected. If I were a holdup guy, I’d go where the management was gullible enough to think banning all guns in their stores to be a solution to the holdup problem because I didn’t want to meet a gun in the hand of the store clerk when I go in to hold them up. It’s the same thing in “gun-free zones.” Criminals SEEK OUT gun-free zones because they can be pretty sure the law-biding people there will not be armed, and able to resist being victimized by thugs with their ILLEGAL guns. In some of their stores that means armed guards. But in stores where an employee is duly licensed and trained, they will be armed. Don’t expect a rash of employees shooting other employees, just because they have a gun. Anti-gun fools aside, that will not happen. But the very reduction in armed holdups in those stores where employees are armed, speaks volumes. But will anti-gun fools notice and act accordingly? Not likely. Their minds are made up, so don’t confuse them with facts. (Breitbart)

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