Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Socialism Is Criminal

It pains me that at least one of the front-runners in the race to nominate a Dumocrat presidential candidate is an avowed socialist who used to be a communist. I remember a time when to be a communist was to be a criminal, and if you were, you kept it quiet. People rightly ostracized a communist, AND a socialist, because the two are the same, with only cosmetic differences. Both are forms of collectivism, which is a system of legal THEFT of the product of those willing and capable of producing new wealth for the benefit of those who do not, for one reason or the other. That is illustrated plainly by their very motto, which is, “FROM each according to his ABILITY, and TO each according to his NEED,” Making need a demand upon the production of the producer, which is theft.

One man should never be FORCED to support another. If he is WILLING, that’s one thing. But to FORCE him to do so is WRONG. And the very system destroys initiative, producing NOTHING. And in producing nothing, it ensures its own failure, eventually, when they run out of other people’s money to steal. That young “Millennials” like socialism is a tribute to the years of conditioning and brainwashing they have received from the liberals in academia all these years. That I have not succumbed to this is because I did not go to college, and they had not yet infiltrated the lower schools at the time I attended. Socialism is the best way to destroy a country, as was proven in Russia, and is even now being proven in Venezuela. (Just common sense)

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