Thursday, November 21, 2019

Out of Control Democrat

Dumocrat Rep Al Green again introduced “articles of impeachment” against President Trump. This is his third try, and it was again dispensed with in short order by a 332 to 95 vote. Never mind there is not any cause for Trump to be impeached, Green thinks because he hates him, he can bring it off. He just doesn’t understand he is a voice “crying in the wilderness” when the Dumocrats leadership realizes the futility of impeaching Trump with a Republican majority in the Senate, which would be required to either convict, or refuse to convict. If they refused, that would ensure Trump’s re-election, which they don’t want. What they don’t understand is that Trump’s re-election IS guaranteed, since they have nothing to offer except their hatred of him. They have been trying for the last 2 years to come up with SOMETHING that will allow them to defeat him, and have been defeated, themselves, at every turn. The leadership have rightly downgraded the possibility of impeachment as a non-starter. (American Thinker)

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