Thursday, November 21, 2019

Futility of Gun Control

Gun control is futile. It is NOT the answer to “gun violence.” Places with the tightest “gun control laws” in place all have high levels of gun violence. That’s not an anomaly. It is fact. Yet liberals everywhere criticize politicians (usually Republicans) for “doing nothing” to stem gun violence. What the HELL do they expect their pet politicians to do? Make more of the laws that have PROVEN they don’t work? None of the people criticizing certain politicians for “doing nothing to stem gun violence” have any suggestions Of WHAT to do. That’s because they don’t KNOW of anything to do, any more than the politicians do. The reason for that is making it difficult to get a gun legally does NOTHING to “stem gun violence,” because the bad guys just IGNORE all their highly touted gun laws and get their guns illegally. Of course, getting guns illegally is illegal, too. But they ignore those laws, too. The answer is two-fold: first, let the law-abiding have guns to use in defending themselves, and others. And second, take a different tack in the laws they make. Go after finding out WHY people do such things as mass shootings, and eliminate the cause. But those fool gun-grabbers won’t hear of the first, and never even consider the second. And that’s why they are not successful in “stemming gun violence.” You can’t hit the target if you’re aiming AWAY from the target. (Just common sense)

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