Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Slandering White People

White Privilege” does not exist, except in the feeble minds of the liberals who are trying to CREATE racism against white people. Race relations are better than they’ve ever been, with even black WOMEN being elected to many high-ranking offices, nationwide, including in the south, where blacks are supposed to be being segregated. These liberals are living in the last century, where that might have been a reality. But no more. There are many black people, even in the Congress, and we even elected a black man (at least half black) to the presidency. That kind of thing proves them absolutely WRONG. But that makes no difference to them. They push many things that are provable wrong, but they insist they are true, in spite of evidence they are NOT. The things they claim are true today were true 50 or more years ago, and it was LIBERALS (Dumocrats) who caused them. Jim Crow was a Dumocrat. Many racist Dumocrats were in important elective or appointive offices. There have been 19 KKK members elected that we are sure of. Two more, including a president, are suspect because of their known racism. Liberals have created “white privilege” so they can create racism AGAINST white people, so as to further divide the population. A divided people is easier to manipulate. (Wikipedia)

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