Wednesday, November 20, 2019

It Can't Be Regulated

Alan Gottlieb, well-known pro-gun advocate, says politicians want to “regulate” the Second Amendment out of existence. If that’s what they want, that should be a “pipe dream” that is impossible. Regulations are only to clarify LAWS that have been passed by a lawmaking body. There must be a LAW before there is a regulation to clarify it. Likewise, ALL LAWS must conform to the Constitution, and the Second Amendment is part of the Constitution, so no regulation can EVER nullify a constitutional provision. Not in a rational society, anyway. But this society has proven itself to be less than rational, so they might get away with it, for a while, until “wiser heads” intervene. The anti-gun fools are trying everything they can think of to “get around” the Second Amendment, and they have been rightfully unsuccessful. They SHOULD be unsuccessful, because the Second Amendment is one of the most plain statements ever made in a legal document. It is one sentence, and very clear. Nevertheless, the anti-gun fools have tried to complicate it by telling us only members of an “organized militia” can be armed. Something that did not even EXIST at the time, so how could that possibly be what they meant. At the time, a “militia” was ALL THE PEOPLE. (Liberty Park Press)

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