Friday, November 29, 2019

Chicago GOP Has Disappeared

In Chicago, one of the most corrupt cities in the nation, every one of the candidates to replace Obamaite Rahm Emanuel as mayor, including the winner, was connected to the Dumocrat Party, which tells me where the corruption comes from. Every city that is in trouble is run by Dumocrats, as is Chicago. They also have the worst “gun crime” statistics, while “boasting” some of the tightest anti-gun laws going. It’s predictable: tight gun laws and high gun crime rates. Those tight gun laws do NOTHING to limit, or stop “gun violence.” But don’t expect those corrupt politicians to notice such obvious things if they disagree with their preconceived notions. Top of the list is a black, openly gay woman who used to be a prosecutor. The kind of politician liberals always elect, to their sorrow. Why the GOP has pretty much disappeared from Chicago politics speaks much about the corruption in the Dumocrat Party. The GOP just isn’t dishonest enough to be able to beat their dirty tricks. (Just common sense)

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