Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Obilterate the Bill of Rights?

That’s what Dumocrat Eric Swalwell and NY Governor Cuomo seem to think they can do if they ever get elected to the presidency. They, like most other Dumocrats, are Marxists, and they realize that, to kill ALL our rights, they have to kill our basic right to self defense, FIRST. That means they have to kill the Bill of Rights, and before that the Second Amendment. What they don’t realize is, that their ideas are in the distinct MINORITY, and to destroy the Bill of Rights would require the “dumbing down” of a MAJORITY of Americans, which has been attempted before, with disastrous results for the perpetrator. What they just don’t understand is that way too many Americans are smarter than they are, and will put roadblocks in their way, right down the line. They will NOT allow our cherished basic rights to be destroyed by a couple of hack politicians. Neither Swalwel, nor Cuomo, will ever understand that. They’re not smart enough. They seem to think that being elected president gives them dictatorial powers. It does not. Meanwhile, they criticize President Trump for “thinking he is a dictator,” which is a stupid idea. He is running this country according to its LAWS, which disturbs Dumocrats, who think they can flout them. (AmmoLand)

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