Friday, November 1, 2019

Impeachment, for Nothing

Well, the Dumocrats have done it. They have abused their power by voting to “officially inquire” about impeaching President trump, who has done nothing for which to BE impeached. Various Dumocrats come out daily CLAIMING that Trump has done something for which he should be impeached, but they never tell you what it is, because there is nothing. If they name something he is supposed to have done, it will without a doubt be a simple disagreement with his policies and procedures. Example: he asked the Ukranian president to investigate Hunter Biden for his corrupt practices in the Ukraine. Never mind Hunter is related to a presidential candidate who is, himself corrupt. There is nothing illegal in that request, because he did not make any promises, based on the Ukranian president’s actions, and it is entirely within his authority to ask a foreign government to investigate a crime committed by an American citizen within their borders.

Who else would, or could, do it? To hell with the contention it was done to hurt a presidential candidate. Trump doesn’t need such an investigation to whip Biden like a buggy horse. And a relative of a presidential candidate should NOT be immune from investigation. Their incessant “investigations” of Trump proves that. They “interpret” the call in which he made his request as being an offer of a quid pro quo when it was NOT. It was a subjective DEFINING of his words as being an offer of a quid pro quo when it was not. They say Trump was trying to “change the results of an election,” when that is exactly what THEY have been doing, for going on three years, now, with their incessant “investigations” that come up with nothing but claims and innuendo, but nothing concrete. They wanted to change the result of the 2016 election, and are now trying to change that in 2020. (Just common sense)

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