Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Ending Free Speech

Extreme liberals have “come out of the closet,” saying they want us to “rewrite the Constitution” to “bring it up to date.” Reality is, the Constitution can never be “outdated.” Freedom of Speech is a basic requirement for a free society. When biased politicians can declare something with which they do not agree to be “hate speech,” and put people in PRISON for saying it, we do not have freedom. “Hate Speech” is “in the eye of the beholder,” which means it is SUBJECTIVE. To be DEFINED by those wishing to enforce it. If we allow this to be accomplished by the extremists, we are LOST as a free country. It is the Constitution that has kept us on “the straight and narrow” and stopped would-be tyrants from enslaving us. Which is why those “would-be tyrants” want to abolish or rewrite it. If we allow them to define certain statements to be “hate speech” and punish it, freedom ENDS. The next thing to go after the First Amendment will be the Second Amendment, which has already been called “support of hate speech” by Dumocrat extremists (a repetition, there). And when our guns are gone, we’re DOOMED. (Just common sense)

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