Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Creating the Problem

Then griping about the result. That’s the scam being worked at our southern border. Dumocrats (with the help of certain financiers who will go unnamed), whipped up enthusiasm in South America by paying people to come to our southern border in such great numbers that they “overrun” it. Then the inevitable happens and the Border Control no longer has the resources to handle those numbers and people get sick and die. Dumocrats in Congress refuse to allow enough money and care for the “immigrants” suffer. Then congressional members b—ch and gripe about those “immigrants” who are “storming our border” are not “taken care of.” And of course, they blame President Trump for the very conditions THEY created, for this expressed purpose. Thousands of people’s lives are disrupted. Some get sick because of the conditions on the road, but the symptoms don’t show up until AFTER they are “apprehended,” and when that happens, again, Trump gets the blame. Others DIE, and guess who gets the blame. They apply for entry and get a court date, which they ignore, and then they wonder why they are then “hunted down” and deported. They bring illness and death with them, and Trump gets the blame. Business as usual. (Just common sense)

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