Thursday, November 21, 2019

"Not Moving the Needle"

They’re “concerned” that most intelligent people aren’t paying much attention to the “impeachment hearings.” They just don’t seem to care as much as DC Dumocrats do. Dumocrats think these hearings are the most important thing going on in the world, right now. But they are not. Not to anybody who understands all the good things President Trump has done for this country since he was elected. And Dumocrats do everything they can to keep them from knowing, including using their liberal media lapdogs to ignore everything he does, except to criticize it. Of course, if you know how to “read between the lines,” you can still learn about the things Trump does, by listening to their criticisms and understand that everything he does infuriates Dumocrats and understand that you have to look at their comments in just the opposite way they present them. Trump was elected to “drain the swamp,” and he is doing just that—which frightens Dumocrats no end, because they know he will eventually get to each and every one of them. They have no viable presidential candidates among the many who think Trump will be an “easy target,” and they’re looking for a “Messiah” to put them “over the top” in 2020. Michele Obama is one they look to, and she is just as poor a candidate as Hillary. She has NO QUALIFICATIONS other than being the wife of a failed ex-president, just like Hillary, who is licking her lips about a THIRD run. She apparently loves to be “beaten like a drum.” (Just common sense)

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