Thursday, November 14, 2019

Beating the Gun Control Drums

California’s new governor, Gavin Newsom, says he will be “tougher on guns” than was his former boss, “Governor Moonbeam,” who vetoed several anti-gun fool bills. He says the NRA is “bankrupt morally” because they insist on supporting the rule of law. He didn’t put it that way, but that’s what he meant. He says politicians are “falling down on the job” because they haven’t passed even more of the anti-gun fool laws they have in force in California, that have DONE NOTHING to stop “gun violence,” in California, or elsewhere. What are they to do? Make more USELESS laws that stop nothing because criminals IGNORE them? Newsom is “flailing at windmills” if he thinks there are laws that can be made, that have not yet been made, that will “stem gun violence.”

Like most “progressive” politicians, he isn’t too bright when it comes to “gun control.” He says the solution “is not more guns,” when it IS. More guns in the hands of the law-abiding, who are not the problem when it comes to “gun violence,” but who need to have the means to defend themselves against the ILLEGAL guns already out there. Newsom criticizes politicians for not “doing something,” but does not make any recommendations as to WHAT to do, because he HAS none. He likes to flap his lips to make OTHERS look bad, while doing nothing concrete, himself, because there IS nothing that can be done, as long as the “target’ is the gun, and not controlling the PEOPLE who are prone to violence. He ignores the fact that most of the laws he champions are in effect in California, and didn’t stop that bar shooting spree. (LA Times)

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