Tuesday, November 5, 2019

"Repeated Failure to Act"

That’s what anti-gun fools say about politicians who have not stepped up and passed more of the USELESS laws like the ones already in force in California. The critics never say anything about what they should do, because they don’t know anything they CAN do. But they continue to criticize these politicians, who don’t know anything more than the anti-gun fools know in the way of HOW to keep guns out of the hands of people who just IGNORE all their laws and get their guns ILLEGALLY, when they can’t get them legally. Their problem is, only the law-abiding, who usually are NOT the problem, obey their laws, making them “easy targets” for those who IGNORE them. It’s a problem NOBODY has yet figured out a way to get around, and will not, so long as they confine their efforts to banning guns, with laws the “bad guys” just IGNORE. They can’t just BAN guns, because of the Second Amendment to the Constitution, which ALL laws must conform. That’s because the founders WANTED Americans to be able to defend themselves against the bad guys. (New York Post)

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