Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Latest Democrat Scam

Finding slave owners in the families of their opponents and demanding their resignations because of it. What they can’t understand is that back then members of BOTH political parties had members of their families who were slave owners, and they are in danger of getting themselves in trouble on that score. Barack Obama himself had family members who owned slaves, half black or not. Mitch McConnell is against “slave reparations” because nobody now living owned slaves. And he rightly responds with an accusation of Barack Obama, whose MOTHER’S family held slaves. The list of Ku Klux Klan (KKK) members in Congress is long, with Strom Thurmond heading the list. And you can bet their families owned slaves. Thurmond’s name is on many structures and roads in his home state, and that continues, in spite of (or BECAUSE of) his racist past. A serious search will reveal that MOST of those on that list are Dumocrats, something they’d rather you not know. It’s a typical example of the Dumocrat method of accusing Republicans of what THEY are, or have been doing, and criticizing them for it, ignoring their own sins. (Wikipedia)

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