Wednesday, November 20, 2019

$50 Million Spent for Nothing

The last number I heard that had been spent in the Dumocrat effort to unseat Trump because he “hurt their feelings” by “beating them like a drum” in 2016 was $30 million. But that was before the current House “hearings” that have, again, produced nothing in the way of viable charges they can place against President Trump. I cringe when I see all those people sitting there, waiting for their five minutes of “speechmaking” in the form of inane questions, while being paid $200,000.00 a year to make laws to benefit America—which they are not doing while they are wasting hours, days, and weeks—sometimes months, in their useless effort to not only reverse the 2016 election, but nullify the landslide victory for Trump they are expecting, even if they won’t say so, out loud. So the figure of $50 million (so far) they’ve spent of YOUR MONEY in that useless effort is probably low. And it they continue that effort, they will have spent a lot more on a useless endeavor that profits the American people NOT. But they don’t care—it’s only YOUR MONEY, which they spend freely. Such “inquiries,” and the way they are conducted are a really inefficient way to go about it, anyway. There is no organization in the way subjects are questioned. The individual members decide what to ask, after they’ve made their speeches and gotten their “camera time.” It’s a complete waste of your money, which politicians are good at. And they will continue to do it as long as you allow it. (Just common sense)

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