Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Twisting Reality

That’s what the Swamp is doing. They know that if they leave Trump alone, he will eventually uncover many of their crimes and corruption. So they’re going after him in many ways, hoping to keep him too busy defending himself to be able to uncover their corruption. “Pencil Neck” Adam Schiff is one of the most corrupt politicians in DC, and he’s leading one of the most powerful committees in DC, going after Trump on many fronts, one right after the other when the early ones fail to find any provable wrongdoing. He started out with that “Russian thing,” and couldn’t prove it while ignoring the “Russian collusion” on the part of Hillary Clinton. So next, he went after him for “obstruction of justice,” and couldn’t prove that. So now he’s moving on to a phony “quid pro quo” in a conversation with the president of the Ukraine—something that did not occur, but something he insists DID, while ignoring the ACTUAL quid pro quo that Joe Biden did to get the prosecutor who was investigating his son fired, by refusing to release a billion dollars in aid until he was fired. Joe even BRAGGED about doing it, on TV! But “nary a discouraging word was spoken” about it, and has not been yet. The crooks are “investigating” the cops, folks, and seeing it sickens me. (Just common sense)

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