Monday, November 25, 2019

Oops! Hogg Screws Up!

David Hogg, that irritating teenager who thinks he knows more than anybody else about gun control because that’s what his handlers tell him, accidentally made a good case for the pro-gun argument. He obviously doesn’t even think before hitting “send” on his Tweets because he sent out one recently where he noted that you should “send sharks to fight sharks.” Which is basically the argument we’ve been making, all along. The way to defend yourself against a gun is to have a gun, yourself. It is NOT to DISARM yourself. Anti-gun fools generally think the only way to self defense is to ban guns, or make them very hard to get, so that the criminals have an easier time of it, knowing their intended victims will probably not be armed. The more armed people there are out there, the more dangerous it becomes to be a criminal. And we can reduce crime, by killing one criminal, at a time. Of course, anti-gun fools deny this. Their minds are made up, so we shouldn’t confuse them with facts. The more dangerous it becomes to be an armed robber, the better it is for the law-abiding. Killing off the robbers is just a bonus. One of these days, maybe the anti-gun fools will get that through their thick heads. But that’s not something I expect to ever happen. There will always be fools out there who think you can defend yourself by DISARMING yourself, no matter how stupid that is. (Twitchy)

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