Friday, November 8, 2019

Just Threaten 'Em

If you don’t have a cogent argument to win the debate. Just give the other side a death threat, and many of them will fold. That’s what happened when the left failed to stop that pro-life movie in America. They tried everything they could think of to make that movie go away, and failed. So now thy go to “Plan B,” which is death threats. When Canadian theater owners tried to show the movie, they got the death threats, and several of them said they “were afraid for their families” if they showed the movie. I guess the left figures that, if they can’t argue with truth, argue with death threats. The left is already known for their violence, so people have to take these death threats seriously. Some stupid liberal just might carry them out, rather than try to argue logically against the movie. They know that people who see the movie will be against abortion, and the left just doesn’t want that. They like murdering babies and getting away with it, but just can’t come up with a logical argument in favor of it, so they resort to death threats to get their way. This is an underhanded way to operate, but the left is known for their underhanded ways, so there’s no surprise, there. (Clash Daily)

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