Monday, November 18, 2019

"He's A Regular Guy"

That’s what Nigel Farage, one of Trump’s guests at a dinner he hosted recently said. “He just talks like everybody does at dinner—no pretensions.” He ordered steak, and put ketchup on it, which the elites frown upon—but he doesn’t care. He does his own thing, in his own way, and that irritates Dumocrats. Which is no surprise. Everything he does irritates Dumocrats. But the thing that really impressed me is that he singled out the “lowest man on the Totem Pole” in that restaurant, the bus boy who took care of his table, and slipped him a $100.00 bill. Quietly, without fanfare. He just did it out of the kindness of his heart for the “average man.” Something the elites just don’t understand. All they do is spend YOUR money to get votes. If any of it gets to that bus boy, it’s only a PART of what they’ve looted from you—and it’s never out of their own pocket, always from yours. This kind of thing is something Dumocrats will never understand—kindness to your fellow man. He does not “look down” on people like that bus boy, and rewards him handsomely for his service, never taking it for granted, as the elites do. (Three Percenter Nation)

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