Tuesday, November 19, 2019

All About the Election

The Dumocrats are terrified that President Trump is going to win re-election for another four years, and they just can’t afford to rely on the time-tested, legal way to do things, to let the American people decide. They have come to believe what intelligent people have known, all along. That President Trump HAS the support of a MAJORITY of the American people and will, no doubt, slam the Dumocrats against the wall—again. And they want to avoid that, at all costs. They will do ANYTHING, legal or illegal, to prevent it. The current House hearings are her “last gasp.” If they fail, she might as well go back to stinking streets San Francisco and retire to her library with a lap robe over her aging knees. She’s DONE. Dumocrats are at the end of their rope. There is NO WAY they can win the White House back in 2020, and her latest letter to Dumocrats is ample evidence of that fact. She says that “Trump is jeopardizing the integrity of the 2020 elections,” but can’t tell us HOW. Because he is NOT. His economy has the Stock Market attaining numerous highs, including the current one, where it is at the highest it has ever been. Dumocrats confidently tell us it “can’t continue,” that “the end is near.” Meanwhile, unemployment is also at record levels, in this case lows. She can’t explain either, so she just ignores it, while her “lap-dogs” in the liberal media do, too. (Western Journal)

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