Monday, November 18, 2019

I Don't Understand It!

The anti-gun fools rush, after each mass shooting, to DISARM all law-abiding Americans, to make them an “easy target” for the shooters. That’s instead of allowing them to arm themselves so they can do the job of defending themselves from mass shooters. It defies logic! The cops can’t do it because they aren’t usually “on the scene” when a mass shooter starts killing people. The cops can take minutes to HOURS to arrive (in one case recently, they didn’t answer a 911 call until the next day!), and in that time, a mass shooter can kill a lot of innocent people. In a recent mass shooting in a bar in California, the cops (bless ‘em) got there in three minutes. But in those three minutes, the shooter killed 11 innocent people and wounded 20 others. Three minutes! Then he killed the first cop on the scene. It is futile to think the cops can do anything but “clean up the scene,” corral all the facts, get rid of the bodies and send the wounded to the hospital. But none of this does anything to STOP such shootings. There HAS to be another way. The anti-gun fools have to know that, but for some reason, they refuse to recognize it, continuing to make their USELESS laws that target the gun, which itself is useless without the hand that shoots it. I know they’re not stupid, so why do they act as if they are? They need to concentrate on other ways to protect innocent people other than banning guns, which does not work, anyway. Criminals just ignore their laws and get their guns illegally. (Just common sense)

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