Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The "Crime" of Sleeping

Adventures in the media trying their best to convince the world that cops go out with the goal to shoot and kill some black man. In this case, some headlines read, “Six cops shoot man sleeping in his car.” Not mentioned is the fact the cops were going to simply wake him up when he grabbed the gun in his lap and turned it on the cops. Of course, out of six cops, some are bound to be black, but that is not mentioned. Fools like this don’t care about that. Cops are racist killers, period. NO matter what race they happen to be.

The black man (who happened to be an aspiring rapper) was NOT shot while sleeping in his car, but that is the false narrative the liberal media wanted to push. And this is not the first time they have pushed a false narrative. Trevon Martin, for instance, was NOT “killed for wearing a hoodie.” He was sitting on top of “Neighborhood Watch” member George Zimmerman slamming his head on concrete when he was shot and killed. And not even by a cop! Michael Brown was NOT a “gentle giant,” he was a giant THUG who had just “strong-armed” a store owner so he could steal some cigars to use in making some drugs and was dancing down the MIDDLE of a street with some of his thug friends when a cop asked him not to do that.

He was NOT “backing away with his hands up crying “don’t shoot” when shot. He was viciously attacking the smaller cop who shot him in self defense. The victim’s family (who weren’t there and knew nothing substantive) were quoted extensively while they “decried police brutality.” That’s how they do it. This also gets into the sphere of “gun safety,” even though the gun seems not to even be mentioned. Also not mentioned is whether or not the gun was legally owned. The victim’s brother bemoaned the “fact” that there “was no attempt to work out a better solution,” but that’s what screaming, “Don’t reach for that gun!” and “Put your hands up!” ARE, which they did, several times.

The writer of this article asks, “How do you tell when the media is creating a false narrative? The answer is easy. “They’re covering the story.” Also asked and answered, How do you avoid getting shot by the cops?” Again, the easy answer is, “Don’t threaten them with a gun.” (Legal Insurrection)

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