Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Why Do They Lie?

Public health officials often LIE to support the “flights of fancy” politicians call “gun safety laws." Why is that? Because they have no FACTS to support their position, and they need to CREATE some facts. “In 1918, President Woodrow Wilson’s Committee on Public Information was inspired by an advisor who wrote: ‘Truth and falsehood are arbitrary terms. . . . The force of an idea lies in its inspirational value. It matters very little if it is true or false.’ ” Public health officials usually do the bidding of the government, and the government wants to DISARM the populace for their own purposes, whatever they might be. I’m not going to say those purposes are evil, but I will note than when Hitler disarmed Nazi Germany, he later MURDERED six million Jews. When Josef Stalin did it in the Soviet Union, he later murdered more millions. Our own government has already demonstrated a propensity for STEALING the property of its citizens through the RICO laws, which were only passed to violate the constitutional right to counsel of drug dealers, by taking away the money they needed to pay their lawyers. Yes, they were guaranteed lawyers, but not necessarily COMPETENT counsel. ‘they got “fresh out of laws school” kids, LEARNING how to be lawyers, which gave the government the “upper hand” at trial. One big cause of death is government. In the Twentieth Century, 212 people were killed by their own government. That is up to FOUR TIMES the number killed in the Spanish Epidemic. (Truth About Guns)

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