Monday, July 29, 2019

Proof of the Con

Young Democratic Socialists are now advised NOT to mention the word “socialism” in their recruiting efforts while trying to sell socialism. When you can’t mention the name of the very thing you are selling, it becomes obvious you don’t want your victims to know what they’re buying. Socialism IS a con. Socialists promise all kinds of things, and even deliver some. But at what cost to OTHERS? Somebody has to pay for it, and that is the people who are LOOTED in order to provide the goodies promised under socialism. The beneficiaries are the ones who just want to live at the expense of others while the VICTIMS are the ones who have to pay for it all. Even the beneficiaries are victims because socialism destroys initiative. Socialism produces NOTHING. It only LOOTS the “fruits of the production of new wealth” by those able and willing to produce new wealth. Their very motto exposes it: It is, “FROM each according to his ABILITY and TO each according to his NEED.” Making need a DEMAND upon the earning of others. It is simple THEFT by the government for the benefit of those who are simple MOOCHERS. The very fact that they don’t want the “Young Democratic Socialists” to mention the word “socialism” tells me they want to keep reality unknown to their potential victims. That makes it a CON, run by the government, to make people dependent upon them so they can control their lives. (Legal Insurrection)

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