Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Selective Memory

The Dumocrats must have it. They can remember clearly every single little peccadillo in President Trump’s past, real, or imagined, but they can’t remember a single bad thing about Al Sharpton’s deadly actions in the past. Actions that have gotten people killed. Of course, they can’t think of one good thing he has done because there aren’t any. The same is true of “Calypso Louie” Farrakhan. They talk about all the “good things” he is supposed to have done and none of his casualties. This is how Dumocrats work. They pick out some of the worst examples of slimy lack of humanity and praise them to the skies. Their “willing accomplices” in the liberal media dutifully parrot it until a lot of their brain dead followers come to believe it. Then they put those fools out front in their campaigns and think they can actually help them get elected. But today’s voters are smarter than they used to be, and see right through the con. (Clash Daily)

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