Monday, July 1, 2019

They Really Don't Care

AOC went down to the border and took some pictures—of herself “crying” next to a fence that was supposed to surround a detention center, but was actually at a parking lot miles way. And her eyes were dry. There was no tear-stained makeup running down her face. No. She didn’t want to look less than her best for the cameras. She wasn’t there because she cared about the “plight of the illegal aliens,” she was there to try and gain support for one of the bills she supports. The actual truth is that she recently voted AGAINST a bill that would have provided financing to help alleviate everything she CLAIMS she cares about, but doesn’t, because, like all Dumocrats, she doesn’t want to give President Trump ANYTHING. No victories at all, if it can be managed. If her actions get more illegal aliens killed, that’s okay with her, as long as she gets her way. Oh, and advances her own career. Like Fox’s Shepard Smith, she only cries at the bad conditions when it is under Trump, not under her hero, Obama. That her party is the one RESPONSIBLE for those “bad conditions” because they refuse to vote for the money it would take to improve them, is not something she wants known. (American People Daily)

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