Wednesday, July 31, 2019
"Just Call It Racism"
The Dumocrats are very predictable. They have no cogent arguments in
answer to our questions. They can’t argue on the issues because
they have no real solutions. So they just call us racists. So
whenever you hear the racist whine from a Dumocrat, you know they
cannot answer factually, so they
cry racism, hoping that will shut us up. Well, that isn’t going to
work much longer. America is coming to realize what their racism
claims mean, and the very term racism has come to have no meaning.
Calling someone a racist when you can’t answer their charges with
facts is getting old. So old, in fact, that it has cobwebs on it.
America is getting so tired of hearing the “racist” claim that
they are now ignoring it. It’s as if the Dumocrats have not spoken,
at all. In Baltimore, the city is a mess. There are rats running all
over the place. There is junk all over the place. Bugs are running
all over. Dumocrat Rep. Rep. Elija Cummings has promised, many times,
to “Clean Baltimore up.” Obama pumped billions into Baltimore and
the money disappeared as if down a rat hole. Somebody stole it. So
when President Trump called the nation’s attention to the
conditions in Baltimore, Dumocrats cried “racism” because
Cummings is black. Trump doesn’t give a damn what color Cummings
is. He can be black, white, yellow, red, or purple with yellow
polka-dots and it would make no difference. Facts are facts, and
Cummings can’t answer them. So out comes the racist whine. It’s
absolutely predictable.
(Clash Daily)
Selective Memory
The Dumocrats must have it. They can remember clearly every single
little peccadillo in President Trump’s past, real, or imagined, but
they can’t remember a single bad thing about Al Sharpton’s deadly
actions in the past. Actions that have gotten people killed. Of
course, they can’t think of one good thing he has done because
there aren’t any. The same is true of “Calypso Louie”
Farrakhan. They talk about all the “good things” he is supposed
to have done and
none of his casualties.
This is how Dumocrats work. They pick out some of the worst examples
of slimy lack of humanity and praise them to the skies. Their
“willing accomplices” in the liberal media dutifully parrot it
until a lot of their brain dead followers come to believe it. Then
they put those fools out front in their campaigns and think they can
actually help them get elected. But today’s voters are smarter than
they used to be, and see right through the con. (Clash Daily)
Why Do They Lie?
Public health officials often LIE to support the “flights of fancy”
politicians call “gun safety laws." Why is that? Because they
have no FACTS to support their position, and they need to CREATE some
facts. “In 1918, President Woodrow Wilson’s Committee on Public
Information was inspired
by an advisor who wrote:
‘Truth and falsehood are arbitrary terms. . . . The force of an
idea lies in its inspirational value. It matters very little if it is
true or false.’ ” Public health officials usually do the bidding
of the government, and the government wants to DISARM the populace
for their own purposes, whatever they might be. I’m not going to
say those purposes are evil, but I will note than when Hitler
disarmed Nazi Germany, he later MURDERED six million Jews. When Josef
Stalin did it in the Soviet Union, he later murdered more millions.
Our own government has already demonstrated a propensity for STEALING
the property of its citizens through the RICO laws, which were only
passed to violate the constitutional right to counsel of drug
dealers, by taking away the money they needed to pay their lawyers.
Yes, they were guaranteed lawyers, but not necessarily COMPETENT
counsel. ‘they got “fresh out of laws school” kids, LEARNING
how to be lawyers, which gave the government the “upper hand” at
trial. One
big cause of death is government. In the Twentieth Century, 212
people were killed by their own government. That is up to
FOUR TIMES the number killed in the Spanish
(Truth About Guns)
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Cheap Shot Artists
Dumocrats, and their “willing accomplices” in the media, are the
biggest “cheap shot artists” going. Jerry Nadler,
for instance, goes on TV regularly and tells us all about all the
“crimes” President Trump is supposed to have committed. Except,
in more than two years of “investigating,” they haven’t been
able to find “hide nor hair” of any crime he actually DID commit.
And just recently, Karine
Jean-Pierre (notice
she’s black, and accusing a white man. Is that racism?),
Senior Adviser,
(guess what her political ideas are), says, “Trump’s presidency
COULD lead to a civil war.” Yes, maybe. But it will be the
Dumocrats who start it when he refuses to back down to their stupid
demands. “Pencil Neck” Adam Schiff likewise is on TV every other
day accusing President Trump of all kinds of “crimes,” s usual,
without a scintilla of proof. College professors accuse President
Trump of all manner of “dastardly deeds,” again without proof. Do
you see the thread running through all this? Yes. It is all WITHOUT
PROOF. If Trump wasn’t a “public figure,” all these fools would
be liable to be sued for libel. But they’re protected by the laws
governing such suits, so they can SAY whatever they wish, and Trump
can only “fight back” by making public statements that expose
them for the fools they are. And
he does that better than anybody.
(Legal Insurrection)
Built-In Excuse
Dumocrats are known for the stupidity of their policies. But many of
them are black, or some other color not white, and they USE that as
“armor” against any kind of criticism. If you criticize them for
any reason, it has to be racism. Of course, it doesn’t work the
other way around. Recently, a black female liberal said, on MSNBC,
that “Trump’s presidency” could lead to a civil war. Is THAT
racism? A black person criticizing a white person? Apparently not to
Dumocrats because they are suspiciously mum about her comments. Elija
Cummings is a black man. And he is very vocal in criticizing Donald
Trump falsely as he goes about trying his best to “overthrow” a
duly-elected president. President Trump has rightly criticized him
for not even trying to do anything about the
miserable conditions
in his home city, Baltimore. And he has predictably called that
criticism racism, without even attempting to answer the criticism,
assuming the only reason for criticism is his skin color. Never mind
the skin color of President Trump when this black man criticizes him.
racism when this black man criticizes a white president? Apparently,
racism doesn’t work both ways to liberals. And predictably, they
will call ME racist for pointing this out. (The Hill)
Gun-Free Zones Dangerous
One of the favorite things for the anti-gun fools is to create new
“gun-free zones.” The only problem is, a gun-free zone is a
dangerous place to be. ALL
mass shootings take place in “gun-free zones.” Potential
mass killers SEEK OUT gun-free ones because they figure they can be
pretty sure there will be no law-abiding citizens there who are
armed, and able to resist them when they bring their guns to kill
people. Yes, the cops will soon come with their guns, and shoot him.
But not until AFTER he has killed a bunch of unarmed, innocent
people. Potential mass shooters not only seek out gun-free zones,
they AVOID shooting up places where there MIGHT be guns in the hands
of their intended victims. Anti-gun fools HAVE to know this. It is as
obvious as the noses on their faces. But they ignore this FACT, and
keep on insisting on creating more and more of them, in spite of
these FACTS. From that, I can only figure they’re STUPID. Not
ignorant. Ignorant is just not having all the facts. Stupid is
KNOWING things, but doing stupid things, anyway. I keep asking them
why this is, and you know what they answer? Nothing.
don’t bother. They just start calling me names. Like “gun nut.”Or
“Nazi.” Or their all-time favorite, “racist.” They have no
facts with which to answer, so they just stick me with one of their
labels and go right on with their stupidities. (Breitbart)
Monday, July 29, 2019
Proof of the Con
Young Democratic
are now advised NOT to mention the word “socialism” in their
recruiting efforts while trying to sell socialism.
When you can’t mention the name of the very thing you are selling,
it becomes obvious you don’t want your victims to know what they’re
buying. Socialism IS a con. Socialists promise all kinds of things,
and even deliver some. But at what cost to OTHERS? Somebody has to
pay for it, and that is the people who are LOOTED in order to provide
the goodies promised under socialism. The beneficiaries are the ones
who just want to live at the expense of others while the VICTIMS are
the ones who have to pay for it all. Even the beneficiaries are
victims because socialism destroys initiative. Socialism produces
NOTHING. It only LOOTS the “fruits of the production of new wealth”
by those able and willing to produce new wealth. Their very motto
exposes it: It is, “FROM each according to his ABILITY and TO each
according to his NEED.” Making need a DEMAND upon the earning of
others. It is simple THEFT by the government for the benefit of those
who are simple MOOCHERS. The very fact that they don’t want the
“Young Democratic
to mention the word “socialism” tells me they want to keep
reality unknown to their potential victims. That makes it a CON, run
by the government, to make people dependent upon them so
they can control their lives.
(Legal Insurrection)
Musleading the "Troops"
A liberal professor has called young Trump supporters the
same as “Hitler Youth,” when they haven’t done anything like
what those fools did to support the Nazis. Of course, he completely
ignores ANTIFA, which DO more probably
resemble the “Hitler Youth” than do young Trump supporters. Their
atrocities are many, and are documented. They put on their masks and
black clothes and go out where conservatives are gathered to make
trouble. More often than not, they create violence, and the liberal
media either blames it on their victims or intimates that it was
“just a fight between opposing opinions,” which it is NOT. It is
a bunch of thugs attacking people engaged in an innocent gathering.
ANTIFA is today’s Ku Klux Klan (KKK), except not to oppress blacks
this time, but to oppress those who disagree with the Dumocrat
attempts to become our dictators. That ANTIFA is an arm of the
Dumocrat Party is obvious, since they never attack liberal
gatherings—only conservative gatherings. They
think we don’t know who they represent. But we’re a lot more
intelligent than they give us credit for being. And that will be
their downfall—underestimating us. (Legal Insurrection)
Another Gun Control Lie
They constantly tell us, without
any basis in fact,
that “98% of Americans support gun control,” which is a blatant
LIE. They have no REAL stats to support their position, so they LIE
and cite PHONY stats, hoping we’ll believe them. What they don’t
count on is that the average American is not as stupid as are their
anti-gun fool supporters are,
they KNOW their laws and regs DON’T WORK. That all they do is make
things WORSE by disarming the law-abiding, making them “easy
targets” for the “bad guys,” who routinely IGNORE their laws.
What drives these people,
I don’t know. That have to KNOW their laws and regulations have NO
EFFECT at all on the “gun problem,” but, instead of trying to
find something that WILL work, they keep on passing their USELESS,
INEFFECTIVE measures. We tell them and we tell them their laws don’t
work, but they’re “tone deaf” to reason and logic. Liberals
don’t believe there even IS reason, OR logic. That way, they don’t
have to be either reasonable, OR logical in their actions and words.
(Says Uncle)
Friday, July 26, 2019
He Did It Again!
I really like Branco. He has an unlimited ability to put things in
their proper perspective and get a laugh while doing it. In this
case, he sums up what Jerry Nadler experienced when Mueller came to
“testify” before the committee where he sits on the highest level
of the “pecking order.” (A. F. Branco)
Surprise, Surprise!
Dumocrats have promised to continue to pursue what has been
disproved, over and over and over again for more than two years, just
as predicted. They will NEVER give up in their efforts to depose
legally-elected president. Jerry Nadler himself, after Mueller
testified that he could find NO EVIDENCE that Trump colluded with the
Russians, or anybody else, to get elected, and that no obstruction of
justice was found, went on TV and LIED, saying he HAD found evidence
of collusion, AND obstruction of justice. Dumocrats will continue to
spend YOUR MONEY in their efforts to topple Trump, until the day in
2024 that Trump leaves office, after having served his allotted two
terms. That’s my prediction. I also predict that they will try, and
fail, to put him in PRISON for his IMAGINED “crimes,” after that.
They will never let up on him until his death from old age. And then
they will go after his children and the rest of his family. That’s
MY prediction. I’m getting very tired of this garbage, every day,
as Dumocrat after Dumocrat goes on TV and LIES to us, expecting us to
believe them. (Fox News)
Anti-Gun Fools Furious
The anti-gunners are furious because Trump nominated Brett Cavanaugh
to be a Supreme Court Justice. So the
hell WHAT? Who
gives a damn what the liberals (anti-gun fools) think? They prove
their abysmal ignorance every day by the laws they pass and want to
pass. Meryl
Weiner, one of Shannon Watts’ girls, says Cavanaugh oughta be SHOT.
Meanwhile, the NRA is asking all its six million members to “ramp
up” their support for Cavanaugh, because he has been a PROVEN
supporter of gun rights—as he should be, since gun ownership and
use is constitutionally GUARANTEED. The left is already “talking
trash” about him, saying he is “part of the swamp,” because he
once worked for President Bush. They don’t make the designation
between a REAL “swamp dweller,” who does what he must to protect
his politicians, legal or ILLEGAL, and HONEST people. The left is
“disturbed” by the number of “conservative” Justices there
will be on the Court. Tough—I’ve been disturbed, for years, at
the number of LIBERAL Justices on the Court. If the past is any
teacher, they will do everything they can, even LIE about him, as
they did Justice Thomas, to get him rejected. With Thomas, they
INVENTED a “sexual abuse”
thing, using SOMEBODY’S pubic hair on a Coke can. One
wonders what LIES they will come up with this time. (Gun Free Zone)
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Biggest Dud In History
Bob Mueller’s “testimony” (lies) before Congress was going to
be the biggest thing ever for the Dumocrats. And indeed, they’re
calling it a “home run,” while what he accomplished was a
“whiff.” He was caught in some lies, and mostly just repeated
what was already in his “report,” which is just what he promised.
I wonder what the Dumocrats will come up with next to spend a few
million of our dollars on, to gain yet another “whiff.” They
couldn’t do what they’re doing to President Trump to a MURDERER,
so why are they being allowed to do it to the president? If they try
someone for a crime under our system of
law, a “not guilty” finding ends it. He/she cannot be retried for
the same crime even if he/she goes on TV and brags about being guilty
and having “beat the system.” But the Dumocrats are allowed to
“try” President Trump, over and over and over again for the same
imaginary “crimes” without facing any consequences, themselves. I
guess the concept of being “innocent until PROVEN guilty” is
foreign to the congresspeople who are trying to lynch President
Trump. Trump
needs to have the FBI open an investigation into the harassment of a
sitting president the Dumocrats are doing.
(A.F. Branco Cartoons)
Mueller's Just A Figurehead
He was not the “head” of the “Mueller investigation.” He was
put out there because he had a good reputation which is now in
tatters. Mueller was put out front as “cover” for the thirteen
Trump-hating Hillary supporters that made up the “committee” that
actually PRETENDED to “investigate” while they worked
assiduously, along with their willing accomplices in the liberal
media to “get rid of
Trump.” He
proved it by ONE answer he gave
when he said he “knew nothing” about the “Steele Dossier” and
didn’t even know what it was. How somebody who was actually RUNNING
that show didn’t have any idea what the thing that got the whole
thing running was
shows an unmitigated IGNORANCE that comes from being completely
distanced from the proceedings. He presented, in his “testimony”
before the House, as somebody who didn’t quite have any idea what
he was doing, or why he was even there. Frankly. I think he wasn’t
sure even where he was. He was like a dog led in on a leash, not
having any idea what was going on. I think the entire “investigation”
was set up and run by somebody in the background with Mueller sitting
up front, not knowing anything about what was going on, and who was
“programmed” to give certain answers to certain questions, but he
didn’t. He mostly told the truth, and wrecked the Dumocrat scheme.
Not because he wanted to wreck it, but because, in his ignorance, he
actually thought they really WANTED a true result. (Just common
Low Turnout "Problem"
Gun control fools are “lamenting” the low turnouts to most of
their recent “events.” They can’t figure out WHY the turnouts
are so low. It doesn’t seem to dawn on them that their entire
“campaign” is something nobody wants, except for the few people
they have convinced to support their efforts to pass UNCONSTITUTIONAL
LAWS to do unconstitutional things. This in spite of very calculated
organization and publicizing of their meetings, which are routinely
supported by the liberal media. The liberal media works HARD to make
it look like their turnouts are HUGE, while doing just the opposite
when it comes to PRO-gun meetings, which accounts for the REAL low
turnouts to their meetings, something that is “played up” in the
liberal media. Another
factor is the current specter of VIOLENCE, promoted by the Dumocrat
Party, and such ignorant people as “Mad Max(ine)” Waters, still a
Member of Congress after many years of insane ranting. People don’t
want to “turn out” for pro-gun meetings, lest “Antifa thugs”
physically attack them while the liberal media paints it as “two
‘far out groups having a riot,” as they did in Portland,
recently. (The Oregonian)
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Pretendong to Be Neutral
The Dumocrats are unalterably biased in favor of conviction when it
comes to President Trump. There isn’t a day that goes past without
some Dumocrat fool coming out and telling us what they are “going
to find” in the next “investigation,” without any kind of real
evidence. Jerry Nadler, on questioning their “former friend”
Robert Mueller, says they have some “specific questions” that
will FORCE him to reveal things not revealed before to “get
President Trump.” One Dumocrat has tried to get articles of
impeachment through three times, in a “friendly place,” the
House, and lost all three times. Then he goes out and slanders Trump
some more. There ought to be a way President Trump can respond
meaningfully to these fools, but there is not. Politicians are
“protected persons” because they are “public figures,” no
matter how bad, how scurrilous is the slander. The people who are
slandering Trump are the very ones who are PRETENDING to “decide”
whether or not to get rid of him. This is wrong. It’s
like putting a murder case up in front of the father of the victim
and expecting a fair trial. They should not be allowed to go over the
same facts over and over again after finding NOTHING to convict. They
can’t do it with an average American and should not be able to do
it to the president. (Just common sense)
"Biting the Hand"
I really love A. F. Branco. He continually amazes me at his take on
things and his ability to illustrate it in his beautiful cartoons.
He’s done it again with this one that depicts what Trump and others
call “The Squad” and I call “The Coven” “biting the hand
that feeds them. The countries of their roots (even though they are
now American citizens) cannot, in any way, measure up to what America
has given them, yet they continue to “bad-mouth” America. They
come from countries that would not have
allowed them that measure of success they have realized here, and
they criticize it every time they open their blow-holes. They are
proven wrong in many ways, on many levels, and they just insult those
proving their ignorance. The problem with people like this is that
they’re too ignorant to realize how ignorant they are. These four
witches in “The Coven” have become “the face of the Dumocrat
Party” by having the biggest mouths among Dumocrats. By so doing,
they will destroy the Dumocrat Party—and that can only be a good
thing. (Legal Insurrection)
"Gun Control Litmus Test"
Dumocrats are whining about Trump having a “gun control litmus
test” for his
new Supreme Court nominee, which is stupid. There needs to be no
“litmus test” for Supreme Court Justices. The
freedom of American citizens to be armed for self defense against all
comers—INCLUDING the government, itself, is THE LAW.
The Second
Amendment to
the Constitution, which is the FOUNDATION on which ALL our laws sits,
MANDATES it. And ANY Justice that is named,
MUST uphold it. That is not a “litmus test,” it is a matter of
LAW. The Dumocrats still think they can “get around” that, if
they can somehow get a Justice in who is willing to IGNORE the
Constitution, and allow their unconstitutional laws to NOT
be declared unconstitutional. Dumocrats DEPEND on liberals being
appointed to the Court, so they can get them to approve their
unconstitutional actions, and it won’t work with Trump’s nominee,
with the only “litmus test” being the Constitution, and the
REQUIREMENT that any Justice uphold it. Their very Oath of office
DEMANDS that they uphold the Constitution. Unfortunately, way
too many
politicians think that oath is “just some words,” and they have
no obligation to adhere to it. (Guns)
Monday, July 22, 2019
"Sue the Bast-rds!"
While I’m on the subject of
suing people, maybe it would be a good time to bring something up
that I’ve been thinking of as I watch the Dumocrats violate every
right President Trump has by their incessant “investigations,”
going over the same facts time after time and finding nothing, and
then opening yet another “investigation” that goes nowhere and
spends millions of dollars of OUR money. Taxpayers ought to be able
to get together and SUE the Dumocrat Party for violating the
many times, in their continual efforts to “get rid of President
Trump.” That Trump has done NOTHING illegal has been proven, over
and over, yet Dumocrats start yet one more “investigation,”
spending more millions of our dollars and wasting the time of a lot
of good people just because they did some business with Trump, at one
time in his career.
they have ruined the lives of many of those people while finding,
again, nothing illegal
that Trump did, laying waste to those people, none of whom did
anything wrong in “collusion” with Trump. They DID find a few
small things with which to charge some of those people, but whether
or not they found anything, they BROKE them financially. Trump’s
one-time attorney, who falsified testimony about a supposed “hush
money” payment, finally told them what they wanted to hear to
shorten his prison sentence. They willy-nilly violated the rights of
many people by denying them the services of attorneys when they
questioned them for hours, sometimes DAYS at a time, hunting for a
faulty memory they could twist into a lie. Dumocrats
should learn that they cannot slander the legally-elected president
without consequences. What if they charged you with murder, couldn't prove it, then tried you over and over for several years for the same "crime," until they "wore you down" and got a guilty verdict by whatever means necessary? (AXIOS)
"America! American! Banned!
you won’t see if the Colorado State University has its way. They
say that “American” is a non-inclusive word that should be
avoided, so they have officially banned in in their Online Inclusive
Language Guide, which would be better described as their “Speech
Police Guide.” This is a natural result of the liberal influence
and control in universities all over the country. My expectation is
that other universities
will follow suit and ban the word, “America,” too. This is how
the liberals work. They do such things and then wonder why we say
they “hate America.” I look for them next to BAN the American
Flag as “not being inclusive.” These
are “The Days of Stupidity” everywhere liberals control things.
ANYTHING that recognizes the advances President Trump has made in the
last 2 years is
also “frowned upon” and liberal editors refuse to allow them to
be told. In
the communist Soviet Union, the government controlled the media and
what it can report. In AMERICA, the liberal media censors itself. We
must somehow regain control of the media to keep it from destroying
us in its ignorance. (Legal Insurrection)
Mass. Violating the Constitution
The Massachusetts governor signed into law a gun confiscation measure
in his state the other day, there by VIOLATING the Constitution of
the United States. Again proving that there should be a way to PUNISH
those politicians who enact, or even PROPOSE measures that violate
the Constitution. That was a BIG MISTAKE, made by the Founders. They
thought the embarrassment at having their unconstitutional measures
reversed by the Supreme Court would be enough to stop such overly
officious politician from making, or even contemplating such things.
There needed to be a PUNISHMENT assigned to politicians who violated,
or even CONTEMPLATED violating the Constitution. Unfortunately, it’s
too late to apply such a measure to violators, because the very
people who would be voting would be the people who would be the most
GUILTY. And they aren’t going to do it, in case they, themselves,
want to try and enact an unconstitutional measure. This
unconstitutional measure, of course, will be enforced, UNTIL the
Supreme Court acts—if it even does, if the liberals on the Court
prevail. Meanwhiole
their citizens suffer under their criminality.
(Daily Caller)
Friday, July 19, 2019
"I Can't Afford It!"
“Crazy Bernie” Sanders whines regularly about making the
government FORCE employers to pay beginning employees with no skills
$15.00 an hour. But he doesn’t follow through and pay his own
employees that much because “I can’t afford it.” He doesn’t
consider the fact that employers who hire people with no skills or
experience much more than they are worth at that point in their
employment also “can’t afford it.” Their ability to afford it
is of no consequence to him. He just doesn’t give a damn. It’s
only “other people” who will have to “afford it” whether or
not they can. If they can’t, then the just need to go out of
business, in his opinion, and those to whom they would have given
jobs remain unemployed. He doesn’t give a sh-t about that, either.
He’s only interested in imposing his will on others. Which is why
it is a good thing he will never be president. He’s going to lose
in 2020, and he will be too feeble in 2024 to run again. In fact,
he’s almost there, now. If he were elected president, I predict he
would die in office in the first year because of the intense pressure
there is on a president. Bernie
is a socialist who just wants to run everybody’s lives without
realizing how much pressure that would bring upon him. He’s not
smart enough. (New York Post)
"The Envy of the World"
That’s how President Trump describes our economy after just over
two years of his administration, in spite of all the roadblocks the
Dumocrats have put in his way, and keep putting in his way. And
he’s right, and predictably the liberal media says he is “praising
himself.” Quite
different from the Obama economy, which almost
destroyed our economy.
economy that Obama assured us was never going to get better. Where
millions of Americans were not only unemployed, but they had given up
on ever again finding a job. The Stock Market is closing at record
highs, after doing so many times in the last couple of years. Jobs
Obama assured us were “gone forever” have come back, and not just
the part time jobs Obama’s policies forced people to get in
multiples so as to make enough money to survive. Full time jobs so
plentiful that we are now having trouble finding people to fill the
jobs available. President Trump keeps winning, even while the
Dumocrats, and the liberal media, “bad-mouth” him every time he
moves a hand. Any time he does something good for America, they find
something to criticize about it. They “investigate him to death,”
uncovering NOTHING, while telling us all about the “crimes” he is
supposed to be guilty of, but which they cannot prove. They think
that is going to be a winning strategy in 2020, and are they going to
be surprised when he whips their butts again, as he has been doing at
every turn. (The Advertiser)
"Don't Mess With Mom"
stupid thug tried to carjack a car with two kids in it, and ended up
with lots of woe. The mother saw him jump into her car with her kids,
and jumped in with them, demanding he get out. He refused, so she
shot him. The shot didn’t kill him, but it caused him to run into a
utility pole. The woman, and her kids were not injured. But the bad
guy? Not so much. He’s in the hospital, and will go quickly to
prison after being released. This is a good lesson for bad guys
everywhere: “Don’t get between a mother and her children.”
There is nothing more fierce than a mom, if you threaten her
children. Better yet, don’t do the crime, at all. She could have
killed him, but didn’t, although she shot him in the head. He must
have a really hard head. And, yes, this is yet more evidence that
letting Americans carry guns for protection really does help stop
crime. One crime at a time. The more bad guys you kill, the fewer
crimes will be committed, including “gun crimes.” (Daily Caller)
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Lies of Omission
Shepard Smith, one of the most liberal commentators on Fox,
on that tired, old, accusation made by Stormy Daniels
that she had had sex with Donald Trump many years ago, long before he
ever thought about running for president, and got a $300,000 “payoff”
for her silence. Boy! That’s really an expensive prostitute! He
reported that Trump’s lawyer, on his own, made that payoff, not
mentioning the lawyer thought the charge was false, but could cause
problems, anyway. Then he “reports” about that “send her home”
chant at Trump’s latest rally, saying that is what Trump had said,
when he demonstrably did NOT say anything of the kind. He advised
them that, if they thought they could do better than him, they should
go back to their home countries, solve all their problems, and then
COME BACK and show us how they did it. IF they did it. But Smith left
that out, repeating the “fake news” more often heard on other
news outfits, but not nearly as often on Fox.
The “Stormy Daniels “affair” is simply an extortion scheme that
worked, and later she came back for more, and failed. (New York Times)
Ayatolla Wants Gun Control
In America. That's right, the Ayatolla Khamenei, in IRAN, wants gun
control IN AMERICA, for AMERICANS. Where the hell he gets the idea he
has anything to say about gun control in America is a mystery. They
might have laws against
gun ownership in Iran for their CITIZENS, but you can bet all their
government agents have them. There is no such thing as the Second
amendment in Iran, so the Ayatolla just doesn't understand ours. He
thinks our government can just BAN guns, and they'll magically
disappear. Forget there are MILLIONS of ILLEGAL guns in America,
mostly owned by criminals, and Islamic terrorists (which he
supports). But he knows that, and he can't pretend he doesn't. But he
does. He hopes one day to come here and "take over," (he's
stupid that way) and he wants as few guns in the hands of Americans
as possible. Pretty much the same thinking as anti-gun fool
politicians here. They want to come after our property sometime in
the future, and THEY want as few guns in our hands as possible. (CNS)
The Gun Control Dream
Gun control is just that. A dream. It's a dream that many stupid
politicians have, and they impose it upon you while making you an
"easy target" for lawbreakers, who break laws for a LIVING.
They pass silly laws that lawbreakers routinely break. They're
lawbreakers, after all. That has been proven conclusively in every
major city with tight gun laws. Cities such as Chicago, where they
have just about every silly gun law in existence in force, yet they
still have some of the HIGHEST numbers of gun violence and gun
murders in existence, anywhere. In Great Britain they have virtually
BANNED guns. But they still maintain high levels of gun violence,
with KNIFE violence, which is fast becoming a major problem, to the
extent that people will soon be required to REGISTER their cooking
Why no politicians take notice of that and act accordingly is one of
the most appalling circumstances. Politicians are supposed to be
intelligent. But no anti-gun politician IS intelligent. That's a
given. If they were, they'd abandon gun control laws, which NEVER
work, and go to work on a REAL solution. But alas, they never will.
That takes intelligence, of
they have none.
(Oath Keepers)
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
1,000 Illegal Guns
None of them legally-obtained. That’s what they discovered when
they raided this California home recently. In a state where gun
ownership is tightly controlled, how is this possible? Did this guy
just IGNORE all their highly-touted anti-gun laws? Looks like it,
doesn’t it. So what GOOD are all those anti-gun laws doing if one
man can illegally acquire that many guns? And it seems this man had
not done, nor planned, any terrorist activities or
with those guns. He just wanted to own them. Anti-gun fools work
hard, all the time, to keep people from being able to resist crooks
and their illegal guns, and people who get their guns anyway to
defend themselves BECOME criminals so they CAN defend themselves
against the criminals—at least those who aren’t wearing badges,
that is. They just can’t get the futility of their anti-gun laws
through their thick skulls. Or they know they’re going to come for
your property in the future and don’t want to meet a gun in your
hand when they do. But
they’re still going to run into many guns in the hands of their
intended victims because of the millions of illegal guns already out
there. (CNN)
Everything Is Racism
At least to the Dumocrats, that is. An actor wears a shirt
celebrating the American Flag AND the “Gadsten Flag” with that
famous snake on it, and the famous words, “Don’t Tread on Me”
below, and they cry racism and try to shame him (unsuccessfully)
into not wearing it. President Trump criticizes four new Members of
Congress for their anti-American and racist policies and THEY cry
racism. If the president farts, that’s racism. Seems like that’s
all they have, and they’re wearing it out. Soon that racist epithet
will be meaningless. It’s almost there, now. Every word out of the
mouths of those opposed to Dumocrat policies is labeled racism,
always with NO PROOF of any racism. The liberal says it, the liberal
media repeats it, and that’s supposed to make it true, with no
proof needed. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve been
accused of racism, and I judge each person as an individual, based on
his (or her) actions, not on the color of their skin, their
nationality, their religion, or anything else but their ACTIONS. And
that gets me labeled racist. I’m used to it. (Bearing Arms)
Gun Control Fallacy
The whole idea that making laws to ban ONLY the law-abiding (who are
ones who OBEY laws) from buying guns is a fallacy. It's stupid. Yet
far too many stupid politicians believe in it. they have to know that
their laws don''t work. That all they do is make a bad problem worse,
disarming the law-abiding, who aren't usually the problem, and making
them "sitting ducks" for the LAW-BREAKERS, who ARE. The
lawbreakers break laws. That's
why they're called law-BREAKERS. So they aren't going to even THINK
about obeying a law that says they can't have a gun to use in
committing their other crimes. Why these
can't get this through their thick skulls is a mystery to me. The
only reason I can think of for politicians to disarm the law-abiding
is that they plan on victimizing them themselves, and don't
want to meet a gun in their hands when they do.
So my suggestion is this: don't vote for ANY politician who has "gun
control" on his agenda. He/she has an ulterior motive that's not
good news for you. Get your guns ILLEGALLY if you have to, and
fergawdsake don't let the government know you have them. (Just common
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