Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Why Have Insurance?

Heard today on Rush from a woman who was just notified of a health insurance rate increase of $56.00, bringing her monthly premium up to almost a THOUSAND DOLLARS. That’s more than most people MAKE a month! Meanwhile she has a deductible of $4,600 before the company pays for ANYTHING. So why have that insurance anyway? With that kind of a deductible, there’s NO POINT in paying for insurance that isn’t insurance, at all. You might just as well pay Obama’s “fine” and be done with it. Obamacare is the biggest CON that has ever been! It far outstrips AlGore’s global warming scam in the way it affects the individual. The Obama gang in Washington is like having the Mafia running the government, with a Capo as president. This is the basic problem with having elections without “vetting” the candidates before they’re ALLOWED to run for office. Not that the socialist way is any better. I don’t know if Obama set out to destroy the health insurance business like Rush says, or not. But I DO know he’s more than halfway to doing it. (Just common sense)

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